Brands make a promise of a special and desired set of values.

Behind every strong brand there is a unique concept of values and significance, or, in a word, the identity. Strong brands create an identity producing an emotional concept of experiencing, this way they establish identification.
Ingredient Branding stands for an intensive partnership of brands, a commitment between a supplier and a manufacturing enterprise.
The buying public trusts Ingredient Brands if they have been known as reliable and of high quality. In this case, they can even be the sales argument for the actual product.
An ingredient brand is not sold directly to the end consumer. It is a component of a complete product which can be purchased on the market. With its excellent performance an ingredient brand is supposed to contribute to the success of its partner brand.
As the first enterprise ever, a well-known computer component supplier succeeded in grading up the final manufacturer’s product by means of his brand. Brands always represent quality, therefore enhancing the final product. Only a few co-suppliers accomplish to be relevant for their customers‘ customers.
In the area of the sanitary industry, it is the end-user utilising Flühs valves. He is, however, not primarily involved in the purchasing decision of the valve technology. This is made by whoever manufactures or specifies the faucets. The decision to apply the Flühs brand within the communication will only be made if the image of the product component has a sufficiently large effect on the consumer, or to put it differently, it has a positive impact on his decision to buy.
Brands make a promise of a special and desired set of values.
It is Flühs’ aim to assist in fulfilling the faucet manufacturer’s brand promise. For the faucet manufacturer, the accumulated collaboration creates trust and consequently bars the competitors from joining.
For the faucet manufacturer, the following central conditions have to be met for a successful Ingredient Branding:
It is Flühs’ task in the joint marketing to let the end-user feel its unique value fast and simple by a claim or slogan. The end-user must instantly draw the conclusion that the ingeniously designed interior component is the decisive innovation for the complete product. This is how the logo Flühs equipped came about.
A brand means power. Characteristics that are relevant and perceivable for the buyer – such as quality or performance – which he associates with Flühs components are extended to the complete product.
“Using a first-class component improves the customers‘ happiness and it helps endorsing our brand potential.” Roland Obrist, CEO Oblamatik
The ‘Flühs equipped’ logo has been developed for marketing purposes for all customers using Flühs valve technology. The internationally renowned brand Flühs has represented high-quality valve technique for generations.
The brand in question has been registered worldwide and is available to our customers according to our respective agreement.
The ‚Flühs equipped‘ logo is used in social media, web sites, online shops, brochures, packaging and is also used as a trade mark, directly applied on the final products.
Flühs has the competence to find solutions for challenges far beyond the Flühs product area.
With Flühs components you distinguish yourself from competitive products.
Flühs acts as the market leader for valve technology.
Flühs products are exclusively manufactured in Germany.
Flühs is the cutting-edge for new solutions in valve technology.
Flühs products stand for reliability and high-quality.
„A brand is a person's good feeling about a product, service and organization.“
Nationally and internationally, our experienced team of sales personnel ensures that our customers always receive the right technical and commercial advice and information.
Flühs Drehtechnik GmbH
Lösenbacher Landstraße 2
D-58515 Lüdenscheid
Phone: +49 2351 975-0
Fax: +49 2351 975-129